ASEC CE22 Tech Talk Apr 28

By VCA ASEC (other events)

Thursday, April 28 2022 6:00 PM 7:00 PM PDT

This month's talk is being presented by: 

Armond Keshishian, RVT - Totally Tubular: Nasograstric Feeding Tube Placement

What to expect:

Nasogastric Feeding Tube Placement is an essential skill for veterinary technicians and doctors. This discussion will focus on placement and management of NG tubes for our patients.

Discussion Topics:

-Why do we place NG tubes?

-What does proper placement look like?

-What are the potential issues to look for and how to troubleshoot.

-How to handle ongoing management.


Armond is a skilled Veterinary Technician that has been in the specialty medicine realm since 2008. He joined the ASEC crew back in 2014 and has been instrumental in training and leading our emergency & critical care teams. He loves teaching and helping others to gain the proper skills to care for our patients in a compassionate way.

RACE approved for 1 hour. 


* Limited to Veterinary Practice Employees Only